Early year’s note

My little notes of unforgettable moments from the last year:

* In the early 2015 officially I got my dream job in the university — I was feeling so blessed, indeed :)
* March and April, one of the best senior I’ve ever had and my beloved grandma passed away :'(
* August, flight to Philippines for international course and visited my friend in KL – Malaysia
*  In the end of the year, got another yaaayy! from the beloved one ;)
Thank God for the year of blessing and learning ^^

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In 2016, wishes of mine (I want to do):
1. Get a scholarship and take PhD in abroad
2. Capable in cooking ;p
3. Healthier life
4. Can ride a motorcycle
5. Write scientific papers in international journal (more and more)
6. :) (semoga..)

—- Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim ;)